If you have a pothole, pavement or drain that is in need of repair or clearing please fill in the form and we will action it with the Labour run council.
There are only 13 Conservatives councillors in the whole of Trafford so we are in the minority, but we have stood up for residents and have managed to see Thorley Lane on the list for urgent repair as well as many other road, drains and pavements fixed.
Plus if you see shoddy repairs being undertaken with by the council with a bucket of tar and spade, please let us know or post a photo and include us in it via social media - everyone knows this method of repair is a waste of time and money and will require re-doing,
Did you know that running the traffic cones down the A56 cost the same as if the council had spent the money on fixing 6000 potholes properly? ( using a pothole pro machine that is proven to do long lasting repairs)
Our roads are not fit to drive or cycle on and it’s ridiculous for Labour with the total backing of the Greens and the Lib Dems to suggest otherwise.
Conservatives are the only party fighting to fix the roads, pavements and drains - Labour have chosen to waste your money on -
Cones down the A56 that cost £180,000 plus the cost an as of yet undisclosed figures for all the consultation on the matter.
PLUS the £48million spent on cameras, signs, stickers for Labour's failed 493 sq mile Congestion Zone that the Lib Dems and Greens didn't think went far enough!
Please report you road, pavement or drain using the form below or email mail@traffordconservaties.com