Oxford Road has been identified by Trafford Council as a rat-run for traffic.
The intention of the council is to place barriers to prevent access to motor vehicles at a viable point along the road, residents would still be able to walk, cycle, or drive to and from their homes. In short, this will turn Oxford Road into a cul-de-sac.
The location of the proposed temporary closure is identified on the attached drawing.
The consultation being undertaken by the council is very short - It commenced on Tuesday 28th July and finishes on Sunday 9th August.
The Conservatives in Trafford are concerned that some residents and businesses feel that this is too short a notice, we are therefore seeking to write to residents to be sure they are fully aware of the possible changes.
We are also giving residents and businesses the opportunity to have their say on the attached survey.
It is important to make sure we are aware of how the residents and businesses feel about any changes.